Boule & Communication
Example 2 ∙ Two days program:  Our company values

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Day 1:  09:00am - 12:30pm
Team building: OUR COMPANY VALUES - Part I 
The development of an organizational concept is a process. We offer a highly focused two day workshop on this development process.

·         Example  I: Developing a concept for co-operation

·         Example II: Consolidating the company values that are in place

The participants develop an identity regarding the commitment towards the organization which will in turn provide a basis for peak performance and excellence.

Day 1:  02:00pm - 07h00pm
Introduction to Pétanque: iron ball lore, rules, basic techniques

Getting a feel for it: select your iron balls, first exercises

Improvement: technique + tactics, placement + shooting, exercises

Playing: Tournament start
The first half of the tournament will be carried out in such a fashion that during the two days in 4-6 rounds new teams (with two or three players) will be facing off against each other.
This tournament method, called "Super Mêlée", ensures a high level of rotation among the participants playing in the same team or against each other.

Day 2:  09:00am - 12:30pm
Team building: OUR COMPANY VALUES - Part II 
Continuation of the intergroup development (commensurate with either Example I or II). Presentation of results. Conclusion and Résumé.

Day 2:  02:00pm - 07:00pm
Playing: Tournament continues.

Success: Award ceremony + farewell + souvenir

  Program - Example 1       Program - Example 2       Coach / Profile

(other team building topics upon request)